Monday, December 17, 2012

Can't I just sleep forever?

It's difficult for me to want to do much of anything these days. I work two jobs, I'm involved with church, and I can never seem to get enough sleep. It takes an excruciating amount of effort to get out of bed for work in the morning.

So when all of my effort is concentrated on being an adult and not calling in sick because I'd rather stay in bed, it's hard to want to do anything else. Including write. It's partly why I gave up on NaNoWriMo last month about two weeks in. And it's also why I haven't been posting lately.

I don't know what to do when this happens, when apathy this strong sets in. I want to care about things. I want to care about my blog, about work, about friends. But I don't.

I just seem to have this insatiable desire to crawl into bed and sleep until the second coming of Christ.

Any tips for me, friends? Any advice on how I get interested in life again?


  1. Time. That's all I can say. I find myself getting like that every so often. I don't want to do anything but lay on the couch with my blankie and watch an obscene amount of television.

    1. If Time = however many months until springtime, then, um. NO. And I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who gets like this.

  2. I think everyone hits those points from time to time. The season...lack of daylight...sleep deprivation...probably all contributing factors. You need a few days off :-) and to come see your mama!

    I love you.

    1. I wish I could take MORE than a few days off. I'm looking forward to seeing you this weekend!

  3. 1) It's a good thing the world is ending on Friday. ;)

    2) When I saw the title of this post I said "I'm tired. Can't we all just be deeath eaters????" Yay A Very Potter Musical!

    3) Hang in there until New Year - cause hanging out with all of us is going to be TOTALLY AWESOME. (Sorry, once I start on AVPM I can't stop.)

    But in all seriousness, hang in there. We love you. Sometimes it just takes time.

  4. Know what the worst thing for Sleep Forever Syndrome is? Sleep. I mean, at least for me. More sleep make me sleepier, or groggier, and it starts spiraling downward. Force yourself to do one thing a day, then two. Yes time will get you there, but you can help yourself along.

    And okayfine sleep a little. :)

    1. I think you're right. The more I sleep, the more I WANT to sleep.

      Also, you're right about the one thing each day. Yesterday, I did laundry. And cleaned my room. And wrote a post. And I felt better about myself. But since I did three things yesterday, does that mean I can be exempt from doing things for a while? Does this count towards days off work?
